How Do I Know I am Pregnant?

Early Pregnancy Signs and What to Do Next

Discovering you're pregnant can bring a rush of emotions, and recognizing the signs early is crucial. Missing a period is often the first indicator for many women, especially if their cycles are regular. Other common early signs include:

  • Missed Period: The most noticeable early sign for many women is the absence of their period, although some women may experience light bleeding or spotting.

  • Nausea (Morning Sickness): Many women experience nausea or vomiting, especially in the first trimester. While it’s commonly referred to as "morning sickness," it can happen at any time of day.

  • Fatigue: Feeling unusually tired or drained is a common early symptom, due to hormonal changes that prepare your body for pregnancy.

  • Mild Cramping or Spotting: Some women notice light cramping or spotting when the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. This can be confused with a light period, but it’s typically much lighter than a regular menstrual flow.

  • Tender Breasts: Your breasts may feel swollen, sore, or tender to the touch due to increased hormone levels.

  • Food Cravings or Aversions: Pregnant women often experience changes in their taste preferences, such as craving certain foods or developing aversions to others.

  • Mood Swings: Hormonal fluctuations in early pregnancy can cause emotional changes, including mood swings or irritability.

These early pregnancy signs can also be caused by other factors, so it's important not to jump to conclusions based solely on these symptoms. To be sure, the next step is to take a pregnancy test.

If you're unsure whether you're ready to take a pregnancy test, or if you're feeling confused by your symptoms, try our free pregnancy quiz. It can help give you more insight into your symptoms and guide you toward the next steps.

Taking a Pregnancy Test: What to Know

A home pregnancy test is a reliable first step to confirm whether or not you're pregnant. These tests work by detecting hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), the pregnancy hormone that your body starts producing once the fertilized egg implants in your uterus. Testing early, typically around the time your period is missed, gives you the best chance for an accurate result.

It's important to follow the instructions on the test carefully, and if you get a positive result, confirm the pregnancy with a healthcare professional.

Confirm Your Pregnancy With Medical-Grade Testing

While at-home pregnancy tests are convenient, lab-grade pregnancy tests provide more accuracy and reliability. At Pregnancy Support Services, we offer professional, medical-grade pregnancy tests that can detect hCG levels with precision. Our tests are performed by trained healthcare professionals who can also answer any questions you have about the next steps.

If your test results are positive, we will guide you through your options and provide the support you need. Whether you're ready to share the news with loved ones, exploring your options, or simply want more information, we are here to help.

Confirm Your Pregnancy With Medical-Grade Testing

Confirm Your Pregnancy With Medical-Grade Testing

If you suspect you may be pregnant and are ready to confirm with a reliable, professional test, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our services are provided at no cost to you. We offer convenient appointment times to accommodate your schedule, and we’re here to provide the care and support you need during this important time.