How Do I Know I Am Pregnant?
Discovering you're pregnant can bring a rush of emotions, and recognizing the signs early is crucial. Missing a period is often the first indicator for many women, especially if their cycles are regular. Other common early signs include:
Mild Cramping or Bleeding
Tender Breasts
Food Aversions and/or cravings
Mood Swings
While these symptoms can vary from person to person and might be due to other factors, taking a pregnancy test can provide clarity. That’s because most of these symptoms are related to an increase in hormone production. When the embryo implants into the lining of the uterus, it can cause cramping and even some bleeding. It is easy to mistake implantation bleeding for your period, and we recommend taking an at-home test—followed by professional testing—to confirm for certain whether you are pregnant or not. If you don’t feel ready to take a test and aren’t sure where to begin, you can take our pregnancy quiz for some insights.
Confirming Your Pregnancy
At Pregnancy Support Services, we provide reliable lab-grade pregnancy tests that can detect the presence of hCG, the pregnancy hormone that is found in the urine of pregnant women. Every test is performed by a medical professional who will discuss the results with you and go over any questions.
We are conveniently located to serve women in Durham, Chapel Hill, and the surrounding communities. Please reach out to us to schedule an appointment.