Pregnancy Testing & Imaging
PSS offers free and confidential pregnancy testing and limited, first-trimester ultrasounds performed by medical professionals at our center serving patients in Durham and Chapel Hill, NC.
Pregnancy Tests
PSS provides reliable lab-grade pregnancy tests that detect the presence of hCG, the hormone which is found in the urine of women who are pregnant. Our tests can detect hCG as early as 7 days after conception or 21-24 days after the first day of your last period.
One of the medical professionals on our staff will read the test and talk with you about the results and any questions you may have. All of our services are free and confidential. No proof of insurance or proof of employment is required.
If you need proof of pregnancy to complete your application for Medicaid coverage or another assistance program, we are happy to help.
Limited First-Trimester Pregnancy Ultrasounds
If you receive confirmation of a positive pregnancy, you may be eligible to receive a limited ultrasound scan. An ultrasound is a simple and painless procedure that uses sound waves to create a picture of your pregnancy. This picture can help establish whether a pregnancy is viable by determining if there is a heartbeat and if the pregnancy is in the uterus. The ultrasound can also provide important information about how far along you are which can affect the options available to you if you are considering abortion.
Ultrasounds at PSS are provided by our licensed Registered Nurses who have completed comprehensive sonography training in limited obstetric ultrasounds. You are welcome to bring a partner or support person with you to an ultrasound appointment and your scan will be available to you digitally through the client portal on our website.
Call or email us to schedule your appointment.
Call: (919) 490-0203