Limited Pregnancy Ultrasounds
Free and Confidential Services for Women in the Durham/Chapel Hill Area
If you receive a positive result from lab-grade pregnancy testing at our center, you may be eligible for a limited ultrasound scan. A limited pregnancy ultrasound provides important information about your pregnancy and can help you make a more informed decision about your next steps. Here’s why a limited ultrasound is valuable:
Confirmation of Pregnancy: An ultrasound can confirm the presence of a gestational sac, indicating a viable pregnancy. This confirmation is especially important if there's uncertainty or doubt about the initial pregnancy test results.
Gestational Age Determination: Ultrasound helps estimate the gestational age of the fetus. Knowing how far along you are is essential for understanding the timing of your pregnancy, potential due dates, and making informed decisions about your next steps.
Location of the Pregnancy: An ultrasound can determine whether the pregnancy is located in the uterus (which is normal) or if it's ectopic (occurring outside the uterus). Ectopic pregnancies can be dangerous and require immediate medical attention.
Fetal Heartbeat Detection: A limited ultrasound can detect the presence of a fetal heartbeat, which is a positive sign of a progressing and viable pregnancy. This information is vital for making informed decisions about your pregnancy.
Assessment of Viability: Ultrasound can provide valuable insights into the viability of the pregnancy. Confirming the viability of a pregnancy is very important before considering next steps.
Support in Decision-Making: Having detailed information from an ultrasound allows you to make more informed decisions. It provides a clearer picture of your situation, helping you consider your options with greater knowledge.
Early Detection of Issues: In some cases, an ultrasound may reveal early signs of an ectopic pregnancy. Early detection allows for timely intervention and appropriate medical care if necessary.
The licensed Registered Nurses at Pregnancy Support Services perform limited ultrasounds. The first step before receiving an ultrasound is to get lab-grade pregnancy testing and confirm a positive pregnancy result.
Call us at (919) 490-0203 or use the scheduler below to make your appointment.
Call or email us to schedule your appointment.
Call: (919) 490-0203